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Miscellaneous Art


Weird Taurs:

Here I finally found a way to combine my obsessions with upsetting centaurs and 4-dimensional geometry. His full name is Horace Mann.

Horace’s eyes only see in the 3rd dimension and they only work in our slice that he knows of (where there is light and stuff). The other slices his body occupies are essentially empty of external sensation. Maybe if he slid far enough he’d find something, but much like 3D space a lot of 4D space is empty.

When he completely leaves our slice to “teleport” he can move essentially anywhere he wants that his body can physically fit. There’s a lot of other fiddly rules but basically he’s in no more danger of teleporting inside a wall than you are.

Aurial was named by a twitter suggestion. I liked the pun. I made her design as an excuse to draw rabbit anatomy and an anthro-style taur; the second pair of ears were added because I think the way rabbits sit in a perfect dome shape with just their ears sticking out is a pleasing shape.

"Cathead lady," now named Jayoti, is a character I first drew in middle school. This is much more recent artwork of her. I was interested in what a reverse taur (e.g. human lower body and non-human upper body) with a small animal as the top half would look like as an expressive character.

I informally decided to put all these guys in a "Sandbox Setting," so they could hang out. I wanted to make a place I dump all the weird one-off character designs I make that don't fit into any of my more structured settings, but I haven't done anything with it yet, so, shrug. It's just normal Earth except all humans are born with random bizarre physical attributes, sort of like My Hero Academia's premise except more body horror.

How Tai puts on a shirt, since someone asked.

Lionel is a goat sphinx. His brother is a satyr with lion legs named Billy.

4D Horse:

As I threatened to, I drew a 4D horse. A hyperhorse, if you will.

When it runs, its hooves appear to flicker in and out of existence, each retaining the same tensile strength of a regular horse hoof attached to a regular horse leg, no matter how thin or small they are. In the hyperhorse’s vast and unknowable eyes, our bodies are like a sheet of paper, trapped within a single measly slice of 4D space like a specimen on a microscope slide.

4D horse is benevolent. 4D horse will not hurt you.

Bean Animals:

I was shelling dry beans and thinking about how so many varieties look like they should be little critters…

Anthros and Furries:

Fanart of Enrousai Shigemitsu’s Auspicious Beast, which is an amalgam of all 12 animals in the zodiac.

An anthro epaulette shark, borne of my love of the real animal and my frustration with furries who draw shark anthros looking like dogs with fins. I named her Georgie.

Two different approaches to a furby anthro, coming from a biological standpoint or a technological standpoint. They are enjoying some summer snacks.

An old design from 2012 (I was 17. Good grief.) that I still really like. The original text:

"Sally is a humanoid creature based off of the Salticidae family of spiders, more commonly called jumping spiders. I tried to make her more like a spider than a human, so she’s a little weird with the biology side of things… For instance, she breathes from the slits on her abdomen, and thus is completely mute. However she does have a diaphragm, a complex heart, and is endothermic; which are pretty important for an organism her size.

She can also jump over most buildings with ease and take down an ox with her venom! Luckily she’s rather shy and won’t bite people unless they’re trying to kill her or something.

Normally she hangs out like a hobo in some unpopulated area of land where there is a steady supply of small animals, but occasionally she is forced to move. She dreads going out in public because it’s difficult for her to breathe under her skirt and clothes flatten the delicate little hairs she uses to sense vibrations (hear).

Also because there’s the chance of social interaction and people don’t know how to deal with a mute, half deaf person with weird bulges under her sweater. She wears a button declaring her inability to speak in the vain hope that no one will attempt to talk to her."

Misc Comics: