Icon of the Runaway spacecraft


A portrait of Sirawiit. They are tall avian with a chunky head, drab clothing, big rounded ears, and large innocent smile.

Sirawit is a happy go lucky hybrid and cross-species adoptee. They grew up in a Tiiliitian-Chinese trade city, and for reasons related to substance abuse, was taken away from their dunparent Huhjho at a young age. They were placed in a local orphanage, where they were heavily bullied by the other avian kids for their meek attitude and hybrid status. The unusual adoptive party was Jing, a human man, who raised Sirawit from about 3 years old to adulthood. Jing had also been a cross species adoptee, having been brought up by an avian dun named Bwiizi. Sirawit is still in contact with their dunparent, but their relationship is difficult.

They often comes across as naïve, being unfamiliar with a lot of aspects of Jovian culture, having English as a third language (after Chinese and Tiiliitian), and having no interest in sex and romance; but Sirawit is weirdly knowledgeable about random specific things. As a cross-species adoptee his knowledge of humans is quite extensive, but he is not quite as horribly imprinted on them as Talita.

Sirawit lives on the Runaway spaceship with Talita, Idrisah, Gillie, and Bip; working as their supply and ferry guest organizer.

More art and comics of Sirawit can be found in their tag on my tumblr blog.

